If you’re looking for the latest news and buzz in the world of movies, you’ve come to the right place! We have updated the movie listings for July 9-11! The list includes new films that are on sale digitally and those that have been released in theaters. And we’ve included a new app that will give you movie reviews and box office collections. The app is a one-stop shop for movie junkies!
Netflix added new content on Friday, which was much earlier than expected. While it may be too early for you to download all the movies you’re interested in, you can still check the upcoming releases on the streaming service. This application will also send you notifications when new releases are available. And if you have a watchlist, you can get notifications about the latest titles that come out. You can also use the app to search for movies you’ve already watched, and it will tell you when they’re available.
Other new releases include Marvel Studios live-action shows such as Secret Invasion, Iron Heart, Ms. Marvel, and She-Hulk. Several other Marvel Studios titles are also coming soon. And you can always check out the trailers for upcoming releases. In addition to these movies, there are also making-of documentaries and a sequel to the 1992 horror hit Candyman. There’s also a new trailer for The Suicide Squad.